Clinics & Services

Chronic disease prevention and management Diet and lifestyle advice
Child health surveillance Childhood Immunisations
Ante natal and post natal care Family planning services
Cervical smears Pre–conceptual advice
Menopause and hormone replacement advice Anticoagulation monitoring
Adult Immunisations Travel advice
Minor surgery operations Joint injections
Smoking cessation advice Alcohol intake advice

Practice Nurse can help you with:

Cervical smears and vaginal swabs Contraception
Adult and travel vaccinations Childhood Immunisations
Injections Diabetic checks

As well as most of the procedures outlined below

Assistant Practitioner Lisa Smith can help you with:

Blood tests Blood pressure checks
24 hour blood pressure monitoring ECGs
Removal of sutures Dressings
Wound care and management New patient health checks
Flu, pneumococcal & B12 injections Smoking cessation advice
Anticoagulant monitoring