Ordering repeat prescriptions
For a faster and more convenient way to request repeat prescriptions, we recommend using our digital services:
- NHS App – The quickest and easiest way to request repeat prescriptions online. Download the NHS App to manage your prescriptions anytime.
- Email – Send your request to (This is an admin email and not monitored by clinical staff—please do not send clinical queries.)
- Via our Website – The below link will direct you to an online form which will be sent to our in-house prescribing team.
Additional Information
If you cannot use digital services, you can still order by:
- Contacting your chemist – We cannot take requests over the phone but your chemist should allow you to call them to request medication and they will then request it on your behalf.
- Post – Send your request by mail.
- Counterfoil Submission – Tick the items you need on the right-hand side of your prescription and drop it into the surgery.
- Request form at Reception – Fill out a paper form at Reception.
We do not accept telephone requests to prevent errors.
Processing Time – Please allow at least 48 hours for your prescription to be processed.
Pharmacy Collection – Almost all of our prescriptions now get sent electronically across to your nominated pharmacy. If your prescription has been issued and is not available for collection at your nominated pharmacy please contact our reception team who will be able to help.
Postal Requests – If you’d like your prescription posted to you, please provide a stamped addressed envelope.
Lost Your Counterfoil? – Request forms are available in reception.
Medication Reviews – You may be asked to attend a check-up at appropriate intervals in line with our policy. A detailed leaflet on repeat prescriptions is available at reception.
Batch Prescribing
Batch prescribing allows eligible patients to collect repeat prescriptions from their chosen pharmacy without needing to visit the surgery each time.
- This option is available only for patients who are stable on their medication.
- Your doctor will inform you if you are suitable for batch prescribing.
For more information, speak to your GP or reception team.
Emergency Medicines
If you’ve run out of your repeat prescription and need an emergency supply, you can request a limited emergency prescription. Visit NHS 111 Emergency Prescription Service for assistance.
Shared care prescribing
We will only accept shared care requests that are initiated by a consultant on the GMC Specialist Register. The consultant must confirm the patient’s stability on medication, provide a comprehensive treatment plan, and outline ongoing monitoring requirements. Our acceptance of shared care remains at the discretion of the practice, ensuring that we can safely meet the patient’s needs within primary care.
If you have any further queries please contact us directly via email at